I have worn many hats, had odd titles, worked hard, forged new paths, met great people, learned a lot, and look forward to what is yet to come.

What’s important? I’ve helped hundreds of companies see the world through the eyes of their customers to build better experiences, engaging content, and stronger brands.

A few highlights

  • 15+ years of experience leading marketing strategies and programs for company launches, re-brandings, market expansions, product/service campaigns, employee communications, and thought-leadership initiatives.
  • Experience in nearly 50 industries translating complex products and services into compelling messaging and content for diverse audiences ranging from engineers and chemists to nurses and contractors.
  • Led transformative, large-scale digital projects such as multi-lingual responsive websites, technology and website migrations, enterprise content management systems, mobile apps, transactional portals, specifiers, and chatbots.
  • Developed strategies for countless website redesigns improving usability, search rankings, and conversion rates.
  • Facilitated hundreds of workshops to drive ideation, solve problems, and elicit consensus among stakeholders and teams, expertly navigating complex business environments and group dynamics. View methods.
  • Created new research and strategy services, processes, documentation, and training leading to increased efficiency and revenue.
  • Managed and grew multi-million dollar programs for consumer and B2B audiences, coordinating international teams and projects.
  • Promoted thought-leadership and shared expertise through public-speaking events and content. View work.

Areas of Expertise

Strategy, Marketing, and Creative Expertise
Research and Insights

I’ve managed and executed all phases of qualitative and quantitative research (methodology selection, design, facilitation, analysis, and presentation).

  • Brand awareness
  • Competitive analysis
  • Voice of customer (Surveys, interviews, focus groups, personas)
  • Journey mapping
  • Usability and UX studies (moderated and unmoderated)
  • Contextual observation
  • Heuristic evaluations
  • Keyword research
  • Social media listening
  • Concept and design testing 
  • Discovery and design workshops
    (requirements gathering, design studios, participatory design, etc.)

Channels and Techniques

  • Analytics and attribution 
  • Content marketing
  • Conversion rate optimization (CRO)
  • Email and automation
  • Chatbots and conversation design
  • Mobile and apps
  • Personalization
  • Search (Organic and Paid)
  • Social Media
  • Public relations
  • Web content and content management (CMS)

Industry and Client Experience

Consumer and business-to-business including: Architecture, building materials & systems, chemicals, communications, construction equipment, education & training, engineering, food/CPG, financial services, flooring, healthcare, government & non-profits, industrial vehicles, life sciences, lighting, manufacturing & automation, material handling & logistics, medical & pharmaceutical, OEM components, paper, process equipment, software & technology, tourism, water treatment, and many more!

Fine print kind of reader are you? These are example artifacts and content formats for those who are interested in “deliverables.”

Brand story, brand vision and vocabulary, personas, positioning, messaging frameworks, creative briefs, creative concepts, marketing plans, research findings, content strategy, social media strategy. Articles, blogs, long-form educational, thought-leadership, case studies, Q&As, documentation, training, Ebooks, guides, how-tos, videos, webinars, presentations, speeches. Content audits, editorial calendars, microcopy, UI copy and design, web content, SEO-writing, sketches, wireframes, prototypes (low and high-fidelity, site maps, nomenclature, taxonomy, requirements documentations, technical specifications, functional requirements, use cases, scenarios, and process flows.