Content for Marketers by a Marketer


Godfrey MarketingDuring my time with Godfrey, a b2b marketing agency, I contributed to content production and marketing efforts through the creation of articles, guest blogs, ebooks, presentations, public speaking events and more.  Topics included B2B audiences and technology, digital marketing, strategy, user experience, and performance optimization.


Strategy and Planning

Re-Designing a B2B Website: Project Planning Essentials for a Successful Start 

This is the year you finally re-design your global B2B website. It’s long overdue, and while everyone from the CEO to the CSRs agrees your company needs a new site, it falls to you as the B2B marketing manager to actually make it happen. A website re-design is a high-profile investment that requires extensive resources and planning. One blog post can’t tell you everything, but it can help you get started successfully.


Top 10 Digital Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them 

When it comes to digital marketing, b2b marketers have more responsibilities and choices than ever. With so many ever-changing options, even experienced digital marketers make mistakes. Even with a great internal team or b2b marketing agency, sometimes things just don’t go as planned. When programs don’t yield the desired results, the learning experience can be valuable but these common mistakes can be avoided from the start.


Recycling B2B Personas: The Dangers in Re-Using and Not Researching 

Personas have become a widely used way to represent users in B2B marketing, sales and design processes. This is great in theory as it puts a focus on the customer, but the reality is that B2B organizations often use the same static personas over and over, sometimes for years, when they are inaccurate and outdated. This continuous recycling of personas for all projects regardless of the marketing challenge is dangerous: It can lead marketers down the wrong path, wasting money and resources.


How to Build a Better B2B Chatbot 

B2B marketers are embracing chatbots–but not every bot makes a website experience better. A good chatbot helps users accomplish something more efficiently and can make a site more enjoyable. A bad chatbot wastes time, frustrates users and drives them to the competition.


The Realities of Building a Chatbot 

This Q&A with a developer, writer and self-proclaimed “chatbot wrangler” offers practical advice from real-world experience. The team shares their perspectives on what it takes to create a successful chatbot and the lessons they learned along the way.


B2B Landing Pages: Understanding the Definition, Drivers, and Design 

An optimized landing page, specific to your message and promotion, can be the difference between a conversion and a lost opportunity. But isn’t any web page a landing page? What is a landing page, do you really need one, and how do you design one to be effective?


Common Mistakes with Mobile Email Marketing 

Simple Tips to Improve Your Blog 

User Research Builds Better Websites and Stronger Brands 


Performance and Measurement

Measuring B2B Marketing with Digital Performance Dashboards (Part 1) 

Designing a Marketing Performance Dashboard (Part 2) 

Are you a b2b marketer overwhelmed by data? Creating an effective performance dashboard can put all that information to work for you and your teams. Learn how.

An effective performance dashboard can be the difference between a b2b marketer who is overwhelmed with data or armed with information to succeed. An at-a-glance digital display of the key information needed to achieve objectives, these real-time consolidated data views are an essential asset to monitoring marketing program performance. Marketers who can see what is happening in real-time can gauge progress towards a goal and react to improve things–before it’s too late to recoup lost dollars and opportunities.


Marketing to Engineers

Marketing to Engineers: A New Class of Buyers for Industry 4.0 

The Internet of Things and the Connected Factory: The Impact on B2B Marketers. Why marketing to engineers isn’t enough. Research and advice.

New B2B Buyers for Industry 4.0: What You Need to Know 

As IoT takes control of manufacturing environments, the traditional engineer decision-maker is being joined by IT roles. New buyers mean new strategies. Are you ready?


Back in the day…Mobile and Responsive Design

Responsive Web Design for the Future Means Letting Go of the Past 

Mobile Email Marketing Mistakes 

Your Mobile App: Helpful Solution or Burden? 

The Cost to Build a Mobile App: Is the Price Right? 

Native App or Web App? Old Debate New Answer 

5 Assumptions Ruining Your Mobile Design Approach 

Optimizing Your Website for Mobile 

Mobile Web Design Selling the Value When Data Fails to Convince 


Read user experience strategy and design articles.